If you’re considering advertising your company on TV, you’re probably wondering what TV commercial advertising rates look like and what to expect.

We work with companies large and small in this arena and can help you gather these numbers and put together a strategy for airing your ads that will give you the most exposure for the dollar.

Since every TV network assigns different rates to their ads, we need to determine what the going rates are in your market.

To craft a plan and gather accurate TV advertising rates we need to determine the answers to the following questions.

1. Where do you want to advertise your message (geographic area)?
2. Who is your target customer and what are they interested in?
3. What times of day might they be tuned in?

Then we match this data to the networks that fit your criteria, we will then know what the average rate is based on these factors.

Isn’t there a “national average”?

TV Advertising RatesNo. In any given market, it may cost as low as $5 to air one commercial…  Or 88x that amount to air the very same commercial on a very in-demand station or show.

With so many networks to choose from, there is a targeted network for virtually every product or service out there. It’s our job to help you find the best place to put your commercial and get you the most value for the dollar. We can also help you craft a TV Advertising message that speaks to your potential customer.

If you need help and expert advice on crafting a TV ad for your company, please give us a call today! We would love to help!

Simply fill out the form below or call us direct at (231)468-9972.
